3D model box rear image is of too low resolution

Issue #7380 resolved
RetroFrogg created an issue

I’ve noticed that on some 3D box models, the back of the box has too low a resolution to read the text. When I look at the 2D back image, the resolution is fine. It seems to drop in the conversion process. Could this be fixed please?

Comments (9)

  1. brian

    This is most likely caused by your CoverFlow Image Quality setting in Big Box. It’s also not out of the question that it could be caused by corrupted images with bad embedded metadata.

    Set your Image Quality to a sufficient level, clear your Big Box image cache and check again.

  2. RetroFrogg reporter

    Thanks Brian - but I should have mentioned, this is in Launchbox, not BigBox. Obviously the carousel window is too small to read the text anyway, but even when I zoom in using the scroll wheel, the resolution is too low.

  3. brian

    I’ll have to double check, but pretty sure the 3D Model uses the BB cache and that setting, even in LB.

  4. RetroFrogg reporter

    I changed the coverflow image quality to “highest” in BigBox - that does seem to have done the trick, thanks. A bit counter-intuitive though that you have to change a coverflow setting in BigBox to get the 3D box model images to display properly in Launchbox! Maybe porting this setting to Launchbox might be an idea.

  5. brian

    Instead, we may be turning off the image cache for these 3D Models inside of the carousel in a future update.

  6. RetroFrogg reporter

    Thanks Brian, sounds good. A related issue is that it looks like the 3D box currently can’t be maximised from the carousel (or from other menus) like the other images can. The viewing space in the carousel is too small to navigate the 3D box properly. I’ve raised this as a separate ticket too.

  7. brian

    That’s actually not an issue, it just didn’t make the cut for this round. It’s on our short list to get done for the next version.

    Btw, most things that you’ve mentioned were internally discussed and just didn’t make the cut for version 13.0

  8. RetroFrogg reporter

    Thanks brian, that’s obviously great to hear. I’m just looking forward to being able to view them full screen in LB, not least so that I can start making some “realistic” 3D model box packs for some platforms :D

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