Launchbox 13.0 not able to fetch media

Issue #7389 new
J Maneely created an issue

I’m running Launchbox 13.0 on a Windows 7 machine. I am not able to “download” any information through the program … e.g. couldn’t download retroarch, can’t download Launchbox app updates, can’t fetch metadata, can’t download media, can’t parse EmuMovies information, etc.

Most of the time the “download” process just spins with a progress bar which does not progress.

I have Launchbox 13.0 on a Windows 10 machine and it works AWESOME … so I reckon it’s something to do with Windows 7. I believe the OS is up to date. I’ve got the latest .NET framework, .NET developer tools, .NET core, C++ distribution, etc. I’ve disabled Windows Defender and my Kasperski anti-virus / firewall to no avail. I’m connected to the internet and pulling down ~42Mb/s bandwidth. I’ve installed it in multiple spots (e.g. desktop, user’s “my documents”, root C:\ and root D:\ drives) all which have full read/write access and I’m a single user with Admin privileges.

I’m by no means a computer expert, so I’m hoping it’s just something easy that I’m missing. I’ve many suggested solutions on the Forums to no avail.

Just seems like Launchbox “isn’t connected to the internet”. I don’t get any error messages or time out messages. Just a ‘you’re already running a process' warning sometimes when I try to start another task within Launchbox (e.g. try to have it download updates after trying to download meta data).

I’ve imported just a single NES rom to try and troubleshoot, so i don’t think it’s related to a large “download queue”.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! You really made a GREAT program, and I’m really hoping I’ll be able to use it on my Windows 7 machine!


Comments (10)

  1. Christian

    Can you ensure that you debug logging is turned on via Options, then try again. Once it fails close LaunchBox and then go to the \\LaunchBox\Logs folder and upload the most recently created file in that directory.

  2. J Maneely reporter

    Uploaded are the debug logs from today. I tried to run the process for downloading media for missing files globally, forcing a local database updated (which caused me to terminate Launchbox via Alt+Ctrl+Del), and running the media download from the edit metadata option on the one NES rom I have loaded up.


  3. Christian

    Seeing log entries for missing DLLs. Some are expected since you’re running on such an old operating system, other’s should be there. Could you run the following in command prompt as administrator: “sfc /scannow" (without quotes) and see if that finds any errors. You will want to restart the computer if it does

  4. Christian

    One of your log files is saying it isn’t getting a return value from your DNS properly as well. Do you have any idea why that may be?

  5. J Maneely reporter

    I’ll run the sfc /scannow and see what it says. I believe I’ve installed all the necessary dependencies … but could be that my Windows 7 machine is just too old.

    RE: DNS errors … i’m not sure on that one. I’ll update this machine’s DNS server information to some open Google servers (e.g. and see if that helps any.

    Much appreciated on the help !!!

  6. J Maneely reporter

    “Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.”

    I’ll reboot and see if the DNS updates help any …

  7. J Maneely reporter

    I reckon it’s just my old Windows 7 machine. It’s probably missing some dependency, despite loading all of them and no errors on the sfc /scannow.

    The work around I’ve found is to load up the games temporarily on my Windows 10 machine, have Launchbox download all the metadata and images, and then copy those files over to the Windows 7 machine.

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