Suggestion: Allow the ability to designate the primary image if multiples of the same type and region exist in the database.

Issue #7414 new
Fugus created an issue

Mainly talking about this for games that were released on a system multiple times within a region with either different boxes or medias.

A good example of this is the old Atari games that were released on both cartridge and then on their cassette later. You have entries that have both the boxes in the database and they are both equally valid in that they were legit boxes, but when you typically setup a collection, you want the boxes to be pretty uniform for most people so you want it to pull the boxes from the default medium that system used.

Also, when it pulls the front box of a cassette of the game but the back box is from the cartridge release it can look weird. Same if a game was re-released in a region with a different box to ensure that it doesn’t pull a mismatched front/back box combination.

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