Improve mouse zoom in Launchbox 3D model box view

Issue #7420 new
RetroFrogg created an issue

Currently you can zoom in and out on the box art of the 3D model box using the scroll wheel on the mouse. The problem is, the zoom just zooms in to the centre of the box, irrespective of where the mouse cursor is when you are zooming in. Similar to with Google Maps, the user should be able to zoom in to a specific point on the box by the zoom going to where the mouse cursor is. On zoom out, the box should reset to the default location on the screen.

Comments (4)

  1. brian

    If you hold down the middle mouse button, you can pan around the 3D Box Model, allowing you to zoom in on a specific point, or move around the model after you zoom in.

  2. RetroFrogg reporter

    Thanks Brian, but I was aware of that. Panning is certainly a good feature. I am commenting on the ability to zoom in to a specific point - rather than having to zoom centrally, and then pan. It’s just a smoother processes and is used by a number of other apps to good effect (Google Maps was an example - imagine having to zoom and then pan to try and find a location)!

  3. Christian

    True “zoom” functionality doesn’t have the ability to target a specific point. To target a point the way you’re asking is to zoom and then pan the item so that the mouse is over the same position it was before the zoom. Also need to keep in mind that this logic cannot work along side the keyboard or controller input. Due to this, I doubt this will come to light anytime soon but will leave the issue open for people to vote on and we can potentially revisit it at a later time.

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