Suggestion: The ability to have database media sorted by the chosen title in the entry as well. Example included.

Issue #7427 new
Fugus created an issue

This is an entry for a compilation with 2 game discs in it. The suggestion is to be able to assign an image to a default name in the entry.

So, if you chose the name “Final Fantasy Chronicles: Chrono Trigger” it would automatically grab the media associated with the Chrono Trigger game and if you chose “Final Fantasy Chronicles: Final Fantasy IV” it would automatically grab the media associated with Final Fantasy IV.

Same could work for the Resident Evil series where each disc is a different person or like Arc the Lad Collection where there are 4 different games in that 1 collection.

Would allow for the consolidation of a game being a per release entry where each entry is the full release and not having to be broken up into multiple releases to ensure the media is scraped correctly.

I understand you can manually set each media for those collections but can also make things very tedious when you want to update your existing media for anything new.

Edit: As an aside that could save some overall bandwidth and user time, in your database you could put a date on when the last time an entry was changed so if anyone did the full update it would only download the media from entries that have changed in the database unless the user manually changed that entry themselves.

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