Music doesn't always update when changing games

Issue #7445 invalid
RetroFrogg created an issue

When browsing from one game to another in LB, sometimes the music doesn’t update - it keeps playing the music for the previous game, even if you pause and then restart the music. If you switch to another game, then back again, it does work.

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    Sounds like you manually played the music. When manually playing the music the same music track continues until you stop it then change games.

  2. brian

    This is working as intended. Music has two states in LaunchBox.

    • Auto-Play will change music when you switch your game selection.
    • If you manually start music then it is designed to keep playing the track, regardless of changing selection. You must pause the selection, then switch games, to play another track.
  3. RetroFrogg reporter


    Christian: yes, I am manually playing the music. When switching to a game, the game video auto-starts so if I want to hear the music, I have to do it manually. I didn’t know that there was another way.

    Brain: when I change to another game, the music stops automatically and the new game video plays. I’m therefore not sure what you mean when you say that it will keep playing the track regardless of game selection and that i have to pause it. It is already paused.

    I therefore don’t see my issue as invalid!

  4. brian

    Sounds like you may have auto-play videos checked, which would explain why video playback would be overriding your music.

  5. RetroFrogg reporter

    Yes that is correct, I have auto-play of videos enabled.

    But the issue isn’t that video playback is overriding my music - it’s that the same music keeps playing when I switch to another game. To continue with the theme of videos, it would be like the same video playing when I switch to another game. I shouldn’t have to pause the video, then switch games, then start the video again to see the next video. But this seems to be what you’re suggesting I have to do with the music.

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