Bug: Not all the database's images are able to be scraped. This is an extension of a bug labeled "Resolved" that actually wasn't.

Issue #7465 resolved
Fugus created an issue

This is an extension of

I went ahead and completely wiped and redid the install but the issue remains and I figured out it isn’t just on the Switch. Caught it as well on Trials of Mana for the SNES.


The NA Clear Logo couldn’t be scraped nor could the NA Title Screen. Had to manually copy them from the website database and add them that way.

The scraper just isn’t detecting everything to scrape off the database.

Comments (8)

  1. Christian

    Based off what I’m reading in the old ticket this is a feature of LaunchBox, not a bug. It is not possible to download all media for a game via the app if the game has several regions of images. The app will only grab images that it has the possibility of displaying in app. The app has a very specific way it looks for images and stops at the first level in the hierarchy where it finds images of that same image type (because anything lower wouldn’t get displayed in app without modifying data or manually moving image files.

    Per Image Type:
    Images that match the ROM region (if the rom has several regions we go in your region preference order, stopping at the first one with images)
    Images that are missing a region, or have the “World” region
    In order of your region preferences (stopping at the first it finds) looks for images matching the priority region

    Here are some examples:
    Game Region: NA, EU
    Region Priority: NA, US, World
    Box Images: NA, EU, JAP, World
    Scraper will grab: NA
    Reason: Matches the game region and is first in your region priority

    Game Region: EU
    Region Priority: NA, US, World
    Box Images: NA, EU, JAP, World
    Scraper will grab: EU
    Reason: Matches the game region

    Game Region: None
    Region Priority: NA, US, World
    Box Images: NA, EU, JAP, World
    Scraper will grab: World
    Reason: Game doesn’t have a region, but there is a world asset to be had

    Game Region: None
    Region Priority: NA, US, World
    Box Images: NA, EU, JAP
    Scraper will grab: NA
    Reason: Game doesn’t have a region correct image, so we fallback to your regional preferences

  2. Fugus reporter

    I understand the automated one might miss some but even the manual checking does not.

    Like where you actually click on the game and tell it to download the media, even if you tell it to download everything it won’t pick it up and the number of media of that type won’t even show it. Good example of that was the clear logo for Trials of Mana, there are 4 of them on the database but Launchbox would only even detect a single one of them and pretended that the other versions didn’t even exist.

  3. Christian

    As stated in both tickets. The logic described above applies to all methods of downloads in app. Manually just removes the ability to apply media limits and downloads all items at the given priority level for that image type with a way to immediately review what’s been downloaded after (via the Edit Game window)

  4. Fugus reporter

    Ok, so lets say I have my preference set with North America as my first option with United States as my second option.

    Now, with Trials of Mana, it has a “North America” set for the Screenshot Title and the Clear Logo. Why does it ignore them and go straight for the World option while ignoring all the other options and not even giving you the ability to download them manually regardless of if you have the region on the game itself as either blank or manually selecting North America?

    Edit: About to be wiping the entire PC soon and will attempt it again because got some new hardware so best time to wipe the system and just wiping the Launchbox install hasn’t really been enough. Figure I will go through it and make sure to manually set the region on the game itself next time too. Explorer has been acting finicky too so hopefully its just something acting up on my end. If a game is set for North America manually, the region preference is also set, just doesn’t seem to work. Will let you know if that’s the case.

    If so, I apologize in advance for wasting your time. Thank you for your description though, I do understand how it works better and will make sure to double and triple check it afterwards.

  5. Christian

    Glad you were able to understand, this system can be confusing. I’m going to mark this ticket resolved. If after your wipe/clean install you have a game not behaving in the way I laid out you can open a new ticket. If you do so please give the following information:

    Rom file name (NOT the rom)
    LaunchBox Games DB ID
    LaunchBox Game Region (the one in Edit Game window)
    Image type region not downloading
    Your region priority setting

  6. Fugus reporter

    Sure thing sir, got the computer wiped but still haven’t had enough time to set everything back up again. When I do, if it gives any issues, I will let you know.

    I swear when I first started worked full time and went to college while trying to support myself that I still had more free time than I do now.

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