Error Uninstalling Epic Store Game using uninstall menu

Issue #7486 new
Richard Leitner created an issue

Noticed error is referencing “E:\Epic Games\StoriesUntold” location and game is installed on the “V:\Epic Games\StoriesUntold” drive. Deleted the Game from Launchbox and re-imported from Epic and it still generates the same error, thinking its installed to the E drive. The game launches correctly from both Epic Games and Launchbox. The game uninstalled successfully from the Epic Client. Reinstalled the game via the Epic Client. Still getting same error uninstalling from Launchbox. Uninstalled from Epic Client. Installed directly from Launchbox, still the same error when uninstalling from Launchbox.

I know you have already been notified of this issue but wanted to provide what I tried in case it helps

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    Hmm… pretty sure we get that information from the reg key Epic sets, but I’ll need to confirm. This is the first I’ve heard of this happening so I appreciate you letting us know.

  2. Richard Leitner reporter

    It only seems to have happened with the game “Stories Untold”. None of my other Epic games have had this issue. It's possible that I had installed it to this location initially and have moved the library since but it's odd that completely removing it via Epic and reinstalling doesn't overwrite the reg key if this is the case. Or there is some residual registry key is still in place that Launchbox is referencing for the uninstall path.

    Also should clarify, Launchbox seems to be looking for E:\Games\Epic Library\StoriesUntold\.egstore and current path is “V:\Epic Games\StoriesUntold\.egstore”

    If I search for the text “E:\Games\Epic Library\StoriesUntold\” in the registry I find it here.


    • REG_DWORD - E:\Games\Epic Library\StoriesUntold\Stories Untold.exe


    • REG_DWORD - E:\Games\Epic Library\StoriesUntold\Stories Untold.exe

    This does seem to be a previous path for this install and these are residual regkeys for Explorer, but I don't see any other reg keys with this text.

    I also couldn't find registry keys for the current location so not really sure how launchbox knows where the install paths are for these games.

  3. Christian

    We get the install location from the manifest files Epic saves. They are located in C:\Users\All Users\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher\Data\Manifests\. You will see an “.item” file in there for everything installed. We read those files for the “InstallLocation” field, then look in that directory for the game to uninstall.

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