Suggestion: Cap screenshot resolutions to the size and dimensions of the systems they are from.

Issue #7503 new
Fugus created an issue

My N64 screenshots are largely at 1440x1080 resolution while the system itself caps out at 720x576

For the screenshots to be accurate, they should match the official console resolutions and if they are running on an emulator at the native settings the images at that size would just be wasted space.

My computer can run N64 games at 4k resolution but if I took screenshots of Mario 64 on those settings it wouldn’t be representative of the game.

Comments (2)

  1. Fugus reporter

    Good examples:

    Atari 2600 resolution: 160 x 192 pixels, Screenshot resolutions from the database range from 1516x1080 to 320x266 which doesn’t even match the aspect ratio.
    Nintendo Game Boy Color: 160x144 pixels: Screenshots also range just as much as the Atari ones.

    And it keeps going on, that is a lot stuff that shouldn’t be there. Either it is just wasted resolution as it is beyond the native resolution of the game being mentioned and adding more pixels doesn’t add more clarity of the source material or the emulator they are using is increasing the native rendering resolution which means it isn’t a proper screenshot of the game in question but a modified version of it.

  2. Fugus reporter

    Another Example: Virtual Boy has a resolution of 384 x 224 pixels.

    I have 14 US games, their screen shots are mostly 822 x 480 which is substantially bigger and wasted space on your servers, the hard drives of the people using them and wasted bandwidth for you guys.

    And for completions sake, I compared them to screenshots taken at the native settings for 3D Tetris

    Launchbox - 410x240 54kb
    Scraper - Native Resolution 3.67kb

    Launchbox - 822x480 201kb
    Scraper: - Native Resolution 9.21kb

    Now, multiple those differences across several thousand files. Especially with how the aspect ratios are way off.

    Also, locking them to those ratios & resolutions would get rid of people attempting to replace a native resolution image with a higher resolution one which is either wasted space or upscaled and doesn’t match the game anymore because of it.

    Bad enough we have people trying to design logo’s that would fill the screen on a 4k monitor even when they aren’t going to be taking up more than 1/32nd of pretty much any monitor they will be using but at least those are personal preference and not trying to represent the game running at native settings.

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