Add Platform Manuals

Issue #7523 new
birdneck created an issue

On the left side where you select your consoles, how about adding a right-click feature to view manuals for those consoles?

Comments (7)

  1. birdneck reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
      <div class="mask"></div>
    Thank you, Christian.  Also an update, do not add manual feature to the category list, only consoles under those categories.  I uploaded an edit of what
    I'm trying to demonstrate....  I put red x's on the category list because viewing manuals for a category makes no sense.  The individual consoles circled in 
    green will have the view manual feature.

    </div> </form>

  2. birdneck reporter
    Thank you, Christian.  Also an update, do not add manual feature to the category list, only consoles under those categories.  I uploaded an edit of what
    I'm trying to demonstrate....  I put red x's on the category list because viewing manuals for a category makes no sense.  The individual consoles circled in 
    green will have the view manual feature.

  3. RetroFrogg

    I have also made this request before, along with a few other requests to expand the platform metadata - but I’m not sure if I entered it on Bitbucket.

    Having platform manuals would be excellent. It might make more sense to have a link to the manual in the “platform details” view (or have it in both places).

  4. RetroFrogg

    Thanks birdneck. As well as platform manuals, there should be extra image types including “controller”, “box - front” and “box - back”

  5. TimberlAndRE

    Like this idea!
    And also directly add a Region / Language flag like with the Images so that several Platform manuals could be added for different Regions


    Nintendo Entertainment System (US).pdf
    Nintendo Entertainment System (Germany).pdf

    or by adding a subfolder structure like the one for the images folders


    /Manuals/Nintendo Entertainment System/United States/Nintendo Entertainment System.pdf
    /Manuals/Nintendo Entertainment System/Germany/Nintendo Entertainment System.pdf

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