LB Graying Out Active Window Upon Making Change (13.2 Beta 4)

Issue #7600 resolved
VulgarTrader created an issue

When I make a change to a platform (for example, adding a rom or removing an image, opening the help > about file, etc), the screen goes grayed out with most options being removed in the active window, including the ability to select a game. I can only restore control by clicking to another platform and then going back.

You can see this issue in this video (also attached):

Launchbox is launching from an external drive which is also where I have all my files.

I believe this is only since the most recent beta which I just installed. It is 13.2 Beta 4.

Comments (2)

  1. brian

    Thanks, this is due to a change made in Beta 4 that will be fixed in Beta 5.

    For beta related reports, we do recommend that you join us within the beta threads, as that is the primary place we look for beta related reports:

    I will be closing this ticket for now, as this will be solved in beta 5.

    Thanks for the report.

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