Remove license info from the top right of the screen

Issue #7614 resolved
Fred Nobel created an issue

I was expecting this to be removed already, but it’s been more than a year and it’s still like this.

Please remove the license info from the top right of the screen! There is no reason, no benefit, for this to exist.

I want to be able to stream without doxxing myself, and the workaround on the forum of emailing to change the name is unacceptable.

As someone who paid for this, I am extremely frustrated of this design choice. What is the purpose here? Shame some people who have a pirated? I cannot imagine an actual reason for this to exist.

Fix this now please.

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    Its been discussed multiple time by the devs this will not be removed and they have provided the reason it is there. The email is your option to request a name change.

    Ticket closed unless the dev advises me to reopen.

  2. Fred Nobel reporter

    where is this reason they provided? i 100% disagree with this and would like to know, and it’s the least you guys can do before closing my issue here, and since i did ask the reason above.

  3. Fred Nobel reporter

    fixed by removing license. so i'm now considering my launchbox purchase as a donation.

    to me, this is a symptom of developer arrogance, considering the amount of posts online about this issue and the fact that this has not been addressed. i haven't found a single reply describing why they are doing this, despite the huge number of posts discussing the issue, but i can take a guess that it's their way of doing DRM or copy protection. but if that's the case, why is it not shown in big box, the actual "paying feature"?

    this on premium page gave me confidence that i was making the right move... but now i just read it as a bit dishonest. to me, this is just another way of doing DRM and I should've have to deal with this, as it it described on the premium page in reference to DRM. ffsfdfsdfsdCapture.PNG i was really believing in this dev team when i purchased it, but now i'm highly skeptical.. especially for something like this which is easy to comment out.

    the fact that i'm being shut down without explanations further proves my point.. you guys are tired of hearing complaints, but the dev still wants to be in control. to override the recommendations and issues of users. and that's where i draw the line in the sand... i'll die on this hill for sure :) i've been involved in software development for 30 years and i have no more patience for this kind of behavior.. i'm out. i'll leave you guys alone with my donation and won't bother you again.

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