Fileds locker

Issue #762 open
Former user created an issue


Locking fields to prevent overwriing them on each update


Comments (20)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    So when downloading metadata again you don't want metadata to be over written? There is that function already. So maybe I am a bit confused. If you could explain it a bit further I will re-open this ticket.

  2. Pixel

    I set my own names and pattern, and I do not want this to be overwritten when I want to make some updates (images or other fields)

  3. Brad Cheyne

    I am sorry, I should have clarified a bit more. When you run the Metadata and Images updater, there are 3 choices. The bottom choice will only download Images and Metadata for fields that are empty and will live fields that have any data inside of them alone. There is no exact "locking" function. That third option is what we have. I can re-open the ticket if this is still something you want, but we basically have the function currently in so I am unsure how long it will be.

  4. Pixel

    Oh, I see. I meant the edit window. When I change the source (to or from wiki etc.), it replaces all the fields. I hoped for a feature, in which you can lock the fields you want to update the others (that you want).

  5. Brad Cheyne

    Ah, I see what you are meaning now. I knew you meant to lock, say Genre down, but I didn't quite know you meant per game while you are editing and grabbing data for just that 1 game. Ok, I'll re-open this ticket then, sorry about that.

  6. Pixel

    Yeah, it would be nice and convinient to implement such a featue. Just to lock fields in the edit window to update the rest of the fields that you wish. No matter if they are filled or not. Using the method that you mentioned, I had to first manually remove the old metadata, to update it with new one to be sure I will not lose things I want. The thing is most people will NOT even think about it at first unless they start figuring it out or look for an answer how to do it.

  7. Brad Cheyne

    Yea it's just never come up, most users just grab the data as it is. It is a good thing to run a full update of your metadata from time to time though, like the SNES Platform name just recently changed. If you are making any edits to Metadata to correct it, also don't forget you can edit the Database directly and provide your more accurate information.

  8. Pixel

    I have too many manual metadata in my own language to run a full update. The thing is if I want to update some multiple fields/games, I have to remove them manually (never came to my mind untill I thought about it). After removing them, I can use the option "yes, but do not replace the exisitng fields". Still, I think such option is kind of limited, hidden, and not very convinient.

  9. Brad Cheyne

    It's not hidden, that method is our official way to update Metadata and Media from the Database, but yea especially if you want something in your own language that we don't support I can see the need for this.

    We do want to work on also giving users the options for Translated Database metadata as well though. What language do you speak? We have LaunchBox translated in a few languages but also translating the Database is something we want to do eventually too.

  10. Pixel

    OK, when I add a new game, it downloads different patterns from a web, say, a mixture of different genres I do not want because I set my own pattern that I do always follow. So it would be nice to lock this field etc.

    When I click edit a game, and I would like to update only some fields or just download some more images without touching the rest or replacing anything, well, it is not possible, I think. removing manually fields to update them is not the way people would think about it. They would rather select the fields they would like to update without touching the rest or lock the fields they do not want to be touched by a particular update - that is how many other applications deal with it. It seems kind of tedious to remove the old metadata manually to update it. I think many people won't even think about such option.

    I speak Polish; I am Polish. Plus, I have made quite a few Polish English translations in my life :)

  11. Pixel

    That would be a nice task to do in my free time. Why not, but it can take a while, though. Not sure how long. I do translations for a living, too, so it would just feel like an additional work to do.

  12. Brad Cheyne

    It can take time if you'd like, we'd rather have the Translation then nothing at all. Leave a comment on that thread and Jason will get you the files if you'd like to do it.

  13. Pixel

    That's fine if you put my full name in the credits. It will be really nice to be part of this project. That is probably the best way I can help (not including the feedback).

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