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Issue #7620 invalid
Zoran Milovanovic created an issue

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Comments (2)

  1. brian

    No information about your issue was provided.

    For specific troubleshooting issues, I'd recommend making a post over on our community forums where we can help troubleshoot a particular issue you may be having, as long as enough information is provided to allow us to help.

    If you run into any crash reports, you can use the bitbucket here in the future.

  2. Zoran Milovanovic reporter

    Iam sorry i have been in little panic its my fault ,,,i had update my favorite LaunchBox theme before i installed new version of Launchbox i guess issues is in new icon support implemented in new version of theme after (manualy) installation of new versio of LaunchBox error is gone ......

    sorry for annoyance

    thanx for fast reply LaunchBox is great tool thanx again Zoran

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