Make BigBox update process doable with controller

Issue #764 open
JB created an issue

It would be nice to be able to go through the BigBox update with the controller. Whenever I see the box pop up, I groan because I have to get off the couch, get the keyboard out, turn it on, do the update...

The update is basically Next>>Next>>Next so it would be nice to have it flow with a controller.

Comments (5)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Once BigBox or LaunchBox closes we lose the ability to handle the controller. You'd need other software like Xpadder to do that successfully. This is one of many reasons why I tell users to keep at least a mouse handy at all times. Unfortunately there is nothing we can really do.

  2. JB reporter

    Seems like you should be able to make BigBox launch a silent installer that just goes. I guess that's what I was going for. Or, an option for "No, never". It's annoying to have it popup and I know my two choices are: 1) Choose YES and dig out the keyboard or 2) Choose NO and see it every time I turn the PC on until I break down and do #1.

  3. Brad Cheyne

    In that spirit then sure the ticket should remain open, but I honestly am unsure if that would be something we could easily achieve or achieve without breaking the potential trust of users. It would more than likely be something you'd need to opt in to. Something like, it checks and see's there's an update, you press a definable controller button or a, it says the update will start in 10 seconds (or a definable amount of time), then the update runs like normal but silently.

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