Option to disable 3D models on a per-platform basis.

Issue #7648 new
Sam Workman created an issue

Some platforms, such as Windows, rely so heavily on digital copies that it’s unreasonable to expect that every game in one’s collection for that platform is going to have rear and spine box-art added to the database within the foreseeable future. So users should be given the option in a platform’s settings to have 3D Models disabled entirely in the game views so they won’t have to worry about missing art in a large chunk of their library.

Comments (3)

  1. Al Hunt

    It seems to function this way for me now. At least in non big box mode. If I switch to “Platform Category”, select a category, and choose an “Image Group”, it seems to persistently change only the selected category. I can have “Arcade” as 3D Boxes, and “Commodore 64” as regular Boxes for example and it stays like that.

    I only did a quick check. Perhaps it doesn’t persist past a reboot, or doesn’t work on big box. If I have more time, I’ll try to test some more.

  2. RetroFrogg

    I think it would be a great feature to be able to enable/disable the rotatable 3D box model per platform. For example, “arcade” didn’t tend to have proper boxes but instead had posters. Windows storefront downloads don’t have proper boxes. I have mentioned this on the forums too. Vote added.

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