BigBox Long Press for Game Details

Issue #7661 new
Andrew Irving created an issue

Currently, I have BigBox set to “skip game details” when selecting / launching a game. This is for two reasons. 1) make it faster and 2) when you exit a game, it doesn’t just sit there in “game details” view forever, and properly resumes ‘attract mode’

It would be nice to have an additional option / behavior where if you set it to ‘skip game details’ add an option (or just make it default?) that LONG PRESS brings up the game details screen. Same 2-3 seconds or something. Quick press - launch game. Long press, game details.


Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    I realize it’s a bit different from your request, but simply informing you in case you weren’t aware. We do have a “View Game Details” binding that can be set that opens up that view even if you have the “Skip Game Details” option selected.

  2. Andrew Irving reporter

    Didn’t realize that. That might work, although I’m trying not to have too many bindings for the front end. I think a “long press” action would be better. :)

    thanks for the info!

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