Playlist - Auto-Populate - Greater Than / Less Than Option

Issue #7664 invalid
Andrew Irving created an issue

In the playlist auto-populate ‘comparison’ operators, I would like the option to have “Greater than” “Less than” operators. (maybe the full set - greater than, less than, less than or equal too, greater than or equal too, and just equal)

I would like to create playlists that take rating (community rating) into account. Say, “All games from the Arcade platform with a 2.99+ rating” or something for example.

thank you,

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    Numeric fields already have this. If you select Star Rating field you will see a "Is Greater Than" and a "Is Less Than" comparison in the drop down.

  2. Andrew Irving reporter

    Gotcha. Thank you! I didn’t realize the ‘Rating’ Field was like, industry age ratings and whatnot.

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