Changing Image Types Doesn't Highlight What you Selected

Issue #7676 new
Anthony created an issue

I have a number of images in my collection which have identified the CD image as the front box. When I go in to edit and change the image type of this image, if it’s in a different sub-menu, I am unable to properly select the correct image type. For example, it will always select “Advertisement flyer - Front”. This has been happening for a long time now, across many versions of launchbox. Typically I’ll just end up deleting the image so that I don’t assign it the wrong image type, and try and remember to not re-download those images again in the future when I update my media collection.

Comments (4)

  1. Anthony reporter

    The instigating bug which this is a side effect, is that even though I select not to replace any existing media, only to update new media, my front box image is being replaced with new media that is downloaded. I’ve had to manually go through sets multiple times after updating the library media and accidentally re-enabling the mismatched image type files.

  2. Christian

    If you go to Tools > Options and then look for Front Image Priorities you can set what images are used as a front image as well as the priority they are used. It sounds like you may have altered this setting at some point causing the images used to change quite a bit.

  3. Anthony reporter

    For these games, somehow the CD image is getting imported and categorized not as a CD, but as a Front Box. It happens with a number of my steam games, and happens again if I do a full import. The problem is if I try to recategorize them from Front Box back to a CD, the “CD” option isn’t getting selected - the “Advertisement flyer - Front” option gets selected every time. This happens pretty consistently for me. To your original point, my front box cover settings are pretty much what you might expect them to be:

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