Last Played dates are getting wiped

Issue #7680 open
Chris Edgar created an issue


Latest stable version as of 2023-07-01, Windows 10. Installed to non-default location (D:\Games\Launchbox).

Last-played dates and/or play counts are being erased every time LB is shut down then relaunched, on some games.

When you run a game, it does update its last-played date and time, and displays it properly during the session. But the next time LB is shut down then later relaunched, the last-played date/time is blanked-out and the game is shown as never played.

Some games inexplicably don’t seem to lose it, but most games I have played recently always show up as “never played” the next time I run LB. It seems to recur 100% of the time and is reproducible on those games, but other ones are left alone.

No error is given.

3134 games in my DB. Attached.

Comments (14)

  1. Christian

    Typically we see data being reset like this when you have files in the data folder that don’t belong. Could you navigate to \\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms and ensure you only have one file per platform in there? If there are any “-backup” files in there they need removed.

  2. Chris Edgar reporter

    No other files than one xml per platform. No backup files. Install location is nonstandard, if that matters: D:\Games\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms is the platforms directory.

  3. Chris Edgar reporter

    Bug still present as of today’s update. I isolated steps to replicate:

    1. Manually set a last-played date on a game.
    2. Save the changes. Looks good, sticks around when you edit again.
    3. Shut down LB and relaunch.
    4. Check game again – last played date is never played.

  4. Chris Edgar reporter

    Confirmed this occurs seemingly randomly, without manually setting last played date. Happening frequently.

  5. Chris Edgar reporter

    Seems like I can replicate it reliably by opening launchbox, playing game A, then shutting down. When it comes back up, game B, the last game I played before game A, has had its last-played date wiped. If I then run game B, it’s going to wipe game A’s last-played date. Not sure if it’s 100% this way, but I was able to replicate this.

  6. Chris Edgar reporter

    Updated description since I’ve more narrowly figured out roughly when it does and doesn’t occur.

  7. Chris Edgar reporter

    Update: It appears play count is also being randomly reset on some games. I am familiar with the reset play count feature in the menu and am pretty sure I haven’t been drilling down the menu to do this repeatedly.

  8. Chris Edgar reporter

    Steps to reproduce: using my Data files, launch Barotrauma. Shut down LB completely, then restart it.

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