Set Emulators for a Playlist, not only Platforms

Issue #7685 open
DnK created an issue

With mame some games works better with other emulators, like Sega Model 2 & 3 or Naomi / Atomiswave.

But the Rom files can be the same, if you make a Playlist cant add multiple emulators for this systems, with platforms you dont have problems, but with playlist you only can set the default emulator.

Wil be great if playlist can manage if own emulators if you want.

Comments (2)

  1. brian

    Something to keep in mind is that emulators are not entirely associated with a platform.

    LaunchBox is set up so that multiple emulators could be associated with a particular platform, but determining which emulator is the primary one is actually per-game based.

    This means you can already accomplish what you are wanting to do.

    Go into your playlist, highlight all games, open the bulk edit wizard and change the emulator for those games to the one you are wanting to be the default emulator.

    This way you could have multiple emulators associated with the Arcade platform, but then different games within that platform can have different default emulators.

    Sort of another way of accomplishing what you are after.

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