Wheel Rotation of Items within the New Flow Control (introduced in version 11.10)

Issue #7702 open
darkseekerliu liu created an issue

Hi, I would like to ask the Bigbox Team the possibility to have vertical wheel items aligned and positioned like

the picture below:

I have talked to @y2guru here https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/51909-community-theme-creator/?do=findComment&comment=435804 - and according to him, it is up to Bigbox Team to allow him to support this feature.

Thank you.

Comments (6)

  1. brian

    Thanks for the request.

    Few things to note based on your request. It’s correct that the current version of the CTC cannot rotate wheel items like this, however, Big Box itself does technically have the ability to do this through code.

    The issue is that there are actually 2 iterations of the FlowControl that controls how items are displayed in the wheel. An old way, and a new way. The old way has the capability to rotate items like in your screenshot, and is being used by many themes, like many of the different iterations of Unified. If you wanted to use the old FlowControl, then this is already possible. The new FlowControl is missing this capability currently and is already on our long list to provide an example of how it can work using it. I believe that the current version of the CTC removed the ability to use the old wheel, and only allows you to use the new iteration, thus stopping you from achieving what you want inside of the program.

    However, if you don’t want to wait for us to create an example of how this can work inside of the new FlowControl, and then wait for the CTC to update to include that example, you can always be adventurous and do it yourself in the code right now.

  2. darkseekerliu liu reporter

    Brian are you a developer from Bigbox (sorry if it is a dumb question)?

    If I understood it correctly, if CTC enables the old flow control, I’d be able to have the alignment as in the picture? (which is the most important part for me - I am satisfied how the rotation works, just would like to have the items with the aligment/position as in the picture.

    So, if @y2guru agrees, is it ok for him to add this aligment for old flow control - if, of course, possible?

  3. brian

    Yes, that’s correct.

    Also, it might seem daunting now, but if you learn a bit about coding the themes, you can also achieve what you are after. Unified is a great example of a theme that has a similar type of rotation you are going for, and there is a Documentation.pdf file available within your Themes folder that can help you get started.

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