Retroachievements Not Working Anymore

Issue #7707 open
Jim Mowery created an issue

I recently upgraded to launchbox 13.2 and it seems to no longer load any retroachievements. My API key is working, I am able to login to without any issue, and using the achievements tool in LB, i rescanned all my files. This was working fine for me on the previous LB but since upgrading, games that had the RA now list no RA available. Has anyone else seen this?

I posted about this in the forums a month ago, and received no reply to anything.

Comments (13)

  1. Christian

    What file format are your ROMs in? Is there any platform where you’re seeing the functionality work?

  2. Jim Mowery reporter

    I haven't seen it working on any platform anymore. I have focused on nes recently and they are .zip with .nes inside. They should all be no-intro. I verified the roms are working with retroachievements in RetroArch by itself.

  3. Christian

    Can you upload your xml file located at “\\LaunchBox\Data\Nintendo Entertainment System.xml” so I can take a look and hopefully see what’s going on?

  4. Jim Mowery reporter

    Hi Christian,

    I’m pretty sure you are also helping me on the forums so thank you for that. I did update to 13.3 yesterday and still had no luck with it. I have attached the xml and the log file you mentioned. Also I attached a screenshot of the api key saying it successfully connected.

  5. Christian

    Your logs show a 503 error (Service not available) being returned from RetroAchievements. You may need to reach out to them to figure out why you’d be seeing that return from their API.

  6. Jim Mowery reporter

    I have tried scanning multiple times a day everyday, and still nothing. Is retroachievement servers still down?

  7. Sam Workman

    I’m having this exact same issue now on the 13.4 beta. Despite a successful test in the settings menu, LaunchBox is just straight-up acting like I’m not logged in at all. Not even replacing my API key worked.

  8. Jim Mowery reporter

    Hi All,

    I decided to start my LB over from scratch. I had tried using a different romset before and it didn’t work. When i used the new romset with the fresh install of LB it started working! However I went to scan some new stuff i added last night and items that had shown the achievements previously have now vanished. I know RA goes down sunday nights for server maintenance but it should be back by now.

    This has been very frustrating to say the least….

    Thank you though!!

  9. brian

    What you are reporting was an issue on the RetroAchievement’s side and as of this morning it looks like they’ve cleared it up.

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