Blurry font rendering in the UI

Issue #7757 open
Craig Simms created an issue

Some text renders in a blurry fashion for me in Launchbox. It’s reminiscent of the blur that happens to text with certain CSS transform techniques. There isn’t a user behaviour that triggers this, this is just how it’s always been for me straight from launch.

Check out the “Badges” text, and how things gradually get sharper as you get to “Free version”:

This affects labels on images in the playlist frame as well. Check out the Mortal Kombat II label’s blurriness, compared to the text in Notepad++:

Or how blurry the labels for the second row of games are compared to the first – especially BurgerTime:

But if I resize the thumbnails so BurgerTime gets repositioned to the top right, then the text becomes sharp:

The blurriness seems to be correlated with the element’s position in the frame, as when I scroll down in the playlist view, the labels become sharper at different points during the scroll (this is different for different games – potentially related to the height of the thumbnail?). (animated GIF of overlaid text label, to illustrate differences more clearly)

Relevant system specs:

  • Launchbox 13.3 (although this has been present since I started using Launchbox, which I think might be v11?)
  • Windows 10 Pro 22H2
  • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti, driver version 531.79 (although driver revision hasn’t affected things)
  • 2560x1440 monitor @ 100% scaling.
  • 1920x1080 monitor @ 100% scaling.

Comments (7)

  1. Craig Simms reporter
    • edited description

    Replaced image host, as Imgur sometimes showed the raw image, other times put chrome around it.

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