Multiple System Importing

Issue #7774 open
Tyler Knight created an issue

I would really love the ability to do a multiple system import. I have had to do a fresh install of LaunchBox many times and not having this feature makes me want to bang my head against my desk every time. The process has been simplified over the years but it is still tedious and annoying due to this missing feature. This time I am giving up and looking at alternative software until this critical feature is added.

Thank you for all that you do!

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    Would also ask what is leading you to have to do fresh installs of LB many times? Is something corrupting LB and you feel a fresh install is needed? 6 years of using LB and I have never needed to do a fresh install. So just want to make sure you do not have some other issue going on. If this is the case I would recommend posting on our forum so we can better help troubleshoot there.

    As mentioned previously you can just take the backup of your setting and platform data from the \Backups folder and use in a fresh install. Just keep LB closed, unzip the files, and drop into your \Data folder.

    Not saying a multi-platform importer would not be useful. It is a good recommendation.

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