Bug with Launchbox 13.4 and 13.5 Displaying Single Column of Games

Issue #7777 resolved
Rory Hector created an issue

The following issues applies to Launchbox 13.4 and 13.5.

I'm using a handheld device so with the sidebar and game details displayed, there's only room for a single column of games. Since the latest updates, there are two (very similar) issues when looking at a single column of games, which goes away when I hide the side bar or game details and am able to fit multiple columns.

First, there is a large empty space before the first game.

This makes it so that when I open launchbox or switch platforms using the sidebar I only see about half of a game cover at the bottom of the screen.

Second, when scrolling down, games at the top now completely disappear as soon as they would become partially visible. I would much rather have, say, the bottom half of the game cover still visible when scrolling rather than it just disappearing leaving the top half of the screen frequently empty.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Thanks for this report. I was able to replicate and have a fix internally that is being tested and should be in the next beta release.

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