Launchbox playlists disregard filtering and blank column headings

Issue #7787 open
Jeff Wires created an issue

Since version 13.5, playlists are not keeping the filter when selecting columns and column displays are now blank. For example, if I select “Release Date”, it will organize games by release date, but once I make a change to a game, they revert back to sorting by title instead of staying organized by release date. All columns are blank so you have guess where release date is located.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    If you lose the headers you should be able to go to the view menu and swap to image view, then back to list view to get them back. We are looking into why this is happening for some people.

  2. Steven Knapman

    I’m also getting blank headers in list view, if I change the view it’ll bring them back but it happens on launch so every time I open they’ll be gone

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