Incognito like launch mode.

Issue #7809 open
Brian C Godin created an issue

I would like a way to launch a game that doesn’t update the “last played” field, sometimes I just want to test a game or mess around with a bunch of games but that moves them to the top of ‘last played' which I use to keep track of which games I’m actually playing at the moment and which games I’ve played in the past.

I’ve actually found myself not playing games because I don’t want them to get moved to the top and I’m sure there’s at least a couple people who feel the same way about it out there.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    I realize it’s not what you’re asking for, but in the right click menu you CAN reset your play count/time and last played date for a game after testing to stop this from happening.

  2. Brian C Godin reporter

    There’s certainly a couple workarounds which I can and do use. Resetting as you said (which unfortunately destroys your history as well, and is quite a few menus and clicks to do), running the emulator or going to the directory and running the content that way. Unfortunately these solutions are rather cumbersome and destroy much of the benefit of using Launchbox as a convenient front end in the first place.

    Of course it’s not a huge deal and I get it if there’s more important things to work on, that’s why it’s taken me 6 years to finally complain about it ;)

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