BigBox: Too Old Interface

Issue #7812 open
eduardolucio created an issue

Hi, I have been using frontend emulators for a while. LaunchBox has a good interface in desktop mode, and without a doubt, it is the top frontend in this category. As for BigBox, I think it is on par with other frontends, offering the same interface and options. Pegasus Frontend tried to do something new with its interfaces, attempting to replicate Netflix, but configuring it can be complicated. I hope that BigBox can try different things in the near future like a new interfaces like a Netflix

Comments (6)

  1. Christian

    Big Box is entirely theme-able and can be customized to look like almost anything. If you haven’t already I’d check out the Themes Manager, as well as the forums download section and see if there is one that fits your tastes.

  2. Jin

    I want something that feels like eclipse or netflix too. I submitted a similar request, but it hasn’t been fully submitted for whatever reason. I wish people would see this post and vote on it. It would be cool to categorize based on sorting conventions and in platforms and not the overall big box interface. I would like to keep different platforms separate while keeping the netflix or Eclipse feel in Wallview. Yeah, Jason would never approve of anything like this.

  3. Retro808

    Not sure what is to vote for. Someone just needs to create a theme like you are looking for. The devs cannot create all themes users are looking for. They have to spend time developing.

    Your best option is to join the forum and post a request for for a custom theme with the details you are looking for and see if one of our many theme makers are willing to make one or assist.

  4. Video Game Vlogs

    I think this request is for the main menu. Only one or two themes change the look of the main menu.

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