[Website] Remove titles from collections?

Issue #7839 open
daniel.alphapictoris created an issue

Cannot remove titles from collections?

Comments (6)

  1. Christian

    Not entirely sure I’m following. We don’t have anything called “collections” in LaunchBox. Can I assume you are trying to remove a game from a playlist?

  2. daniel.alphapictoris reporter

    In the web LaunchBox have “my collections“ where I make my lists and now a need to remove some titles from this list, but the remove option is gone. (sorry for my poor english)

  3. Christian

    Ah didn’t realize you were referring to the website. I’m going to update the title to make it a bit easier to see that.

  4. daniel.alphapictoris reporter

    any news? I have several updates to do, I really wish I could remove some titles from collections

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