Smooth Scrolling Is a Must Have

Issue #7840 open
Nathanael Luke created an issue

I am a big fan of LaunchBox but there is a feature missing that makes it feel dated when compared to apps like Steam, GOG Galaxy, and pretty much any app not made 10 years ago. When you scroll, it moves in these big ugly chunks. I’ve done a bit of research into smooth scrolling with WPF apps and it is very much is possible. I have put a few links to some resources on the subject if you are interested.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    The first link may be possible (though it’d require us to override quite a bit to make possible) but themes could potentially break it if they don’t add the behavior correctly. The second link isn’t even possible because we utilize virtualized panels so that the app doesn’t come to a crawl or cause memory overload errors. I’ll leave the ticket open as we are always wanting to work on performance but I want to make clear you are grossly overstating the ease of doing this with virtualization with theming support.

  2. Nathanael Luke reporter

    Totally fair, I am likely overstating the ease. I don't have any experience with app development. If it can't be done, fair enough. I just saw something I thought might be able to be addressed.

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