Video Resolution?

Issue #785 invalid
brock Smith created an issue

Hi can you tell me what the video resolution is for videos in launchbox are, I keep making videos with black bars in wide and fullscreen. Im using 1920 x 1080

Comments (6)

  1. brock Smith reporter

    Also could i copy my launchbox and move it to a windows tablet so i can edit stuff like when im riding in a car,But then after im done can i copy it back over to my computer over my other one would it carry over the changes, like can i move launchbox without the games and it still function if i click on a game to edit it. Sorry for bothering you.

  2. Brad Cheyne

    You can ask these questions on the Forum's Brock, you'd get more responses.

    The video don't have a set resolution, the video we grab from EmuMovies are rather low resolution, but I've put 720p and 1080p video in the folder and it's played fine. It's more based on what the VLC or WMP players want to do, if they them selves are in a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio and the video is in the opposite ratio it will have to add black bars. Ideally the engines need to be updated to detect what the video resolution is to hopefully change it's size to accommodate.

    Yes, you can move LaunchBox to anything. If you just move your LB install and the XML (minus all the media) it will load without any images, music or video but you can certainly edit it. Then just move your LaunchBox XML back to your home PC install and replace it. All of the updated data should be there when you start LaunchBox up again. Want to leave and do more editing? Just move the LaunchBox xml to the tablet then back again like before.

  3. brock Smith reporter

    Sorry got one more question if i move launchbox with the videos and install it to my tablet then change the paths for each system to where i put em on my tablet would they work.)

  4. Brad Cheyne

    If you have your video in the default location within LaunchBox it will work because they're using relative paths, if you have it set up so that the video is in a path you can certainly change the path and move the video in to it and it will work.

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