[Games Database Website] Requesting the ability leave a comment with "Accept Changes"

Issue #7857 open
JerKnuts created an issue

I think the ability to leave a comment on an ‘Accepted Change’ would be helpful or encouraging in certain situations.
Whether it be a thank you, good job, or a suggestion.
I would love to let someone know I appreciate their time and work when they make some of these great contributions.
Or maybe a suggestion “This should be region tagged.” “This should be cropped” etc etc.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    If something is missing from the submission such as “This should be region tagged” then the submission should be rejected. If the data attached to the game or the media isn’t as accurate as it can be it’s cause for rejection and shouldn’t be accepted in the first place.

  2. JerKnuts reporter

    Oh I agree. I would love if the moderation was that strict. However, it is not. And in many cases, if the problem isn’t glaringly obvious, the submission gets pushed through.
    I feel this suggestion along with my other, #7851, would assist in alerting contributors to possible mistakes they have made even if they have already been accepted.

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