Custom Fields

Issue #787 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read this. I was creating a custom field today and it isn't quite working the way i hoped. I'm ranking my top 10 games on each platform and created a "System Rank" field to do so. I was really hoping to use this field to sort games in BB mode (like a specifically ordered Favorite field) but LB is just treating this field as text and sorting like it would any other text field. Is there a way to designate that this field is a numeric field that should be handled like a number and not text?

Thanks! Andrew

Comments (3)

  1. Ron Barker

    If you click on the "other" tab in the edit game window, there is a "sort title" field. You should be able to use that to do what you are wanting, I think.

  2. Brad Cheyne

    Yes potentially, to keep things clean if this doesn't work OP let me know and I will re-open this.

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