Library Data Export

Issue #7891 open
yvesrn . created an issue

I am using the latest release 13.6? I believe. Win11.

I would like to request the ability to export lb library data to a csv, xls format. When I select ‘list view’ there is a lot of useful information that could be exported. Information such as play count, ratings, game status, favorite, play time, etc.. I’d like to view, sort, tally up my total playtime, see games I’ve never played, sort different data points. There are a lot of other practical uses for exporting library data such as helping to manage libraries.

Also, the audit feature while it gets you close to what I’m asking by highlighting all the available fields, not all the data that is visible in list view is in the audit feature. Playcount & favorite for starters.

Thank you


Comments (3)

  1. brian

    Have you tried to select all games in list view (by pressing CTRL+A) and copying (CTRL+C) and pasting (CTRL+V) into excel?

  2. yvesrn . reporter

    Thank you for the quick response. I just tried it and your suggestion does work. However, it’s far from ‘elegant’. With a library of almost 15K, LB froze for a while and the computer became unresponsive due to the task. That being said, It did work and I do have all the library data know in google sheets to parse through. I would consider keeping this request as a future enhancement as there are a lot of practical uses of exporting library data.

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