Prefered list of File Extensions to load for archive decompression.

Issue #804 resolved
Emin Cavalic created an issue

I can not get Demul to work with Lunchbox my games are .7z so i can save space, Lunchbox uncompressed them fine but will send either a .bin or i if i turn on not to send file extension Demul will load the .bin too. What needs to happen is that we need to send .gdi in the command line.

Also does this effect any other emulators? all of my cd based games like PS1,Sega CD are in .7z with .cue files that should be loaded right? I think some emulators are okay with loading just the first .bin file i checked with Sega CD by just extracting 1 bin file and what happens is the their is no more music but when i extract all the bins and just load the first one it works correct.

Maybe we can have a option to choose what extension is loaded by default most wont need this but some users will.


Comments (11)

  1. Emin Cavalic reporter

    Yes that could work to, what i did for now is just use rocketlauncher but i rather not have 2 programs to launch a emulator :)

  2. Brad Cheyne

    Cue sheets should load when detected as this is generally the most common file extension to load. For Dreamcast and PS2 we've honestly just not had that many requests for alteration because we sincerely suggest users to not compress these systems. We've slowly been getting requests for the later systems that aren't loading properly though so we'll need to fix that. File priority is probably the best way to do that like fraganator said. I only have 1 game that uses gdi for example so setting Dreamcast extraction to look for gdi's wouldn't work for me.

  3. Emin Cavalic reporter

    Yes anything that will make it work :) so i can get rid of rocket launcher

    for me PS1 and Dreamcast games extract fast enough and save a ton of space

  4. Brad Cheyne

    I would wager that RocketLauncher was never really needed, especially now that LB is getting more sophisticated. There are other types and way to compress or remove junk data from these disc images that doesn't require archive compression. CHD files for Dreamcast and PBP files for PS1 are great alternatives that require no decompression on start.

  5. Emin Cavalic reporter

    I would i just need to find a way to batch the conversion, both DC and PS1 are redumps all with multi bins i would have to first convert the multi bins into a single bin image then i can compress them, for other systems like Gamecube,Wii,PS2 its very easy to get compression going and some systems i don't think support compression like Sega CD.

    Oh never mind I can convert the WAV in the sega cds to mp3 :)

    Well if i can figure out how to do batch converting i will switch but for now its not bothering me much


  6. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm still having problems with this. For example: the 4DO core of RetroArch only plays ISO files, but LaunchBox loads the CUE file after extraction. Most 3DO sets uses ISO/CUE files.

    Could it be a way to choose which file to open after extraction? That would solve a lot of problems.

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