Icons on MAME

Issue #806 duplicate
Jose AA created an issue

Hi Jason,

its possible implement a list of games of MAME with icons?

Comments (5)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    What are you asking exactly? You want to import MAME games in to LaunchBox? Yes this is totally possible. If your games are missing art then that is because you chose the wrong name for the Platform. For the MAME importer to show up and for it to scrape images properly call it Arcade. You can also watch our tutorial for this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUQzvbweVgw

    If this is not what you were asking then I am sorry I misunderstood. Just let me know if I should re-open this ticket.

  2. Jose AA reporter

    Hi Brad,

     my question is about how to list the MAME games with the icon of the game, instead of the snapshot. It´s possible?.
  3. Brad Cheyne

    Ah, no not easily. LaunchBox is designed to show Front Box Art and Flyers first. You can change it when you edit a single game but not for bulk. There is a ticket and a feature that is called Tiered Images. It allows you to pick what image you'd rather show first, but in a list fashion so that it starts with 1 and works it's way down the list showing the first available image. Vote on that ticket here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/719/tiered-images-to-help-fill-in-gaps-more

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