Theme Demo Request (As Attract Mode Option)

Issue #8190 open
jade ward created an issue


I use the theme Demo in place of attract mode on my arcade cabinet & have done so since it's inception. I'd like to request it be added to the shortcut menu in BB. For instance now I hit what's basically the fire or A button on my cabinet & it starts attract mode. I'd rather that be Theme Demo mode. I use my cab as a display & just have it on probably more than I play it. Ofc leave the attract mode shortcut so I don't take something from another user tht may use it but just add themes demo. It would also be awesome if when BB isn't touched for awhile it could go into Theme Demo. Currently it goes to attract mode on my cab. Anyway we could get an option to pick which we prefer upon BB going into “standby?”

Thank you

Comments (4)

  1. jade ward reporter

    Ty for your input on what seems to be an easy addition. Admittedly I don't know how difficult things are under the hood but I've paid & supported for years. Hook us cab owners up! Ty for considering as always

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