"How to shrink the size of LaunchBox"

Issue #851 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi Jason, i'm using LaunchBox Premium since it's very early days and i think it's time for some technical enhancements in forms of optimizations.

I get the concept of LaunchBox providing DOSBox, ScummVM and 7-Zip to provide everything within one release (file), but maybe you should give up upon the integrity check of the 3rd-party stuff. Let me explain:

  1. I think that LaunchBox should be available in two packages, where one package contains LaunchBox, DOSBox, ScummVM and 7-Zip just as it is now, but WITHOUT the integrity-check for those 3rd-party tools. That would give us - the users - more control in terms of changing the 3rd party tools e.g. my favourite DOSBox version or my favourite ScummVM version. And i think we need another option to define a SECOND version for DOSBox (3DFX-support) without having to copy DOSBox first and then rename everything again etc. ... The second release could then be some kind of "LaunchBox only" without DOSBox and ScummVM (Light Version?).

  2. The LaunchBox-.exe itself needs to become smaller in size (come on, it's 147MB now!) This could be achived by separating DOSBox and ScummVM from LaunchBox itself. That would significantly reduce the size of the LaunchBox.exe (and maybe the startup-time??).

Anyway, just my two cent-opinion on making LaunchBox even better. Perhaps you already thought of some sort of optimizing LaunchBox, already? That for itself would be a good step forward!

Thanks for creating such a wonderful piece of art in software, please keep the momentum on improving it.

Cheers, Gordon

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Gordon, I do indeed have plans to add more flexibility for DOSBox and ScummVM versions. It hasn't been a high priority because it's not a common request, but I do believe we have tickets in here for that. The 147 MB LaunchBox.exe file is not a performance issue, as it does not all need to be loaded up on startup. I've done performance metrics on that and the size of the EXE is not affecting the startup performance. Thanks!

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Gonna go ahead and mark this ticket invalid because I believe we have tickets already in here for the DOSBox and ScummVM versions flexibility.

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