theme and game discovery center feature

Issue #8527 open
Jin created an issue

Hello, I would like to submit a simple request. I would like to know if it’s possible to create a theme similar to eclipse for bigbox. I enjoy having themes on bigbox (like that of banners theme), and I would like to see a theme that allows me to separate all my platforms on screen. When entering one of the platforms, I would like to see all my games sorted by my own naming convention (sorting/filter) while maintaining the eclipse theme and/or a combination of game discovery center feature look and feel. I would like to hear from you guys when possible. I hope that my request is easy to understand. thanks.

Comments (6)

  1. Retro808
    • changed status to open

    It is possible. BB and LB are fully theme-able. Your best path is posting a request on the forums to see if a theme developer can make something like you are looking for.

  2. Jin reporter

    I’ve seen eclipse, and while i love that theme, its heavy on cycling through all the files to simply load directly into bigbox. Also, it combines all the platforms in one window, and I would like to see my platforms organized by their own system to then look and feel like eclipse once you enter into that platfrom. With that said, I would like to know if there’s any possible way to be able to integrate this into bigbox while keeping it light and easy to open. I will also try to post this request on the forums. I’m just glad to see that my request has been posted, and maybe other people can vote on it if its good or not.

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