Showing "Favorite" in any playlist like "ALL"

Issue #858 invalid
Rex Lu created an issue

Is it possible to have "Favorite" to show on top of any playlist just like "ALL" ?

Also, can you bind a button or key to bring up the "Favorite" list?

Comments (3)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Custom Filters is the way to show Favorites for specific systems, a system, all systems. Custom filters requires Premium. You also have the option to Sort By under the View menu at the top and there is a Favorite option in that menu.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Rex, your best option would be to Arrange By Favorites, which will show your favorites first. We could add a Favorite option by All in the sidebar, but it would be mostly redundant I think. You can also filter by Favorites with the dropdown in the left hand sidebar.

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