Very Sloooow browsing in game collection

Issue #859 duplicate
Former user created an issue

My PC is a AMD 7600 APU with 8 GB and Win10 x64. Lates LaunchBox versión (as present).

I have a collection of Arcade, Amiga 2600, NES, SNES.

Browsing among games is very slow. Going up and down (scrolling) too. I have the "circle" cursor mouse very often. Also searching game by name is very slow.

Comments (2)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Once a user hits roughly 8k + Games in their library it starts to depend a lot on the users CPU, and considering you have an APU this is not so ideal. An APU is a GPU / CPU combined. So the CPU is already over taxed with also having to do everything the GPU would also normally have to do. I have 24k game library and it lags sometimes, but it used to lag worse on my 7 year old Intel CPU. After building a new PC it lags very little. It's also worth noting if you are still caching images. If your images are still popping in then scroll through your entire library until they are all cached. Once they are not popping in and are cache performance should also increase as well.

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