BigBox time format

Issue #8609 invalid
Anders Stensgaard created an issue

in 13.12-beta-2 BigBox starts by showing the time in 24H format .. but when I click away from the main page (in my case I start with the playlist view) and then switch back to the main view, the clock is reset back to 12H …

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    Are you experiencing this issue with the BigBox “Default” theme or a custom theme?

    OIf custom which theme and be sure to test the Default theme.

  2. Anders Stensgaard reporter

    you are right !!!
    I just tested with another theme and it works just fine, the theme I was using didn’t have any clocks, so never thought it could affect the time on the main page .. but I guess it did! :)

    please close this and mark it solved! :)

    ill see if I can figure out why my home made theme causes this!

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