Clean game media for the database

Issue #863 invalid
Former user created an issue

I have a suggestion to make the ui more enjoyable by using clean game images, without those tags on them, like PC-DVD on the cover, ive been working on these images and right now there is more than 800 done, and I would like to know if you guys could want to implement them on your database, there is no other database that have these clean game covers and this could be something exclusive to yours, I will attach some pics of my own library with these clean covers that I've been working on..

Comments (6)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    There is a section on the Database for the images that you are creating and that is the Box Art Fan Art section when you add Images to a game. With the Database we are trying to strive to be able to have historical accuracy as best as we can in the best quality we can and also include stuff like this that users with dedication and passion like yourself have made.

    So yes, we would love your art under the Box Art Fan Art sections! A feature called Tiered Images is something that will be worked on in the coming weeks that will allow users to select the images they want to appear first then fill in missing gaps with other images that they want. So in this case, you can say I want Box Art Fan Art first, then regular Box Art, then Game Title Screenshots and it will get filled accordingly.

  2. Bruno Noronha

    Great to hear that you guys cares about other things than historical accuracy, I personally hate to see those pegi, esrb, studio logos and all those things that pollutes the box art, I already start to upload my Box Art Fan Art images and its been kind slow to do on the website it would be great if have a program to sync them just like launch box does but the other way around instead of download upload it would be faster and better to manage, anyway i would like to know one more thing, since you guys is letting users choose wich image they want to be their box art, you could add one more type, we already have the box art, steam banner could have the icon too, a 4x4 image, like 512x512 the xbox one interface uses 4x4 icons for the games..

  3. Brad Cheyne

    4x4 might be a bit small, but you're more than welcome to request that on the LaunchBox Games Database BitBucket!

    We willl be working on allowing users to upload to the Database from directly within LaunchBox in the future, so that will easily solve that for you. :P

  4. Bruno Noronha

    4x4 I was referring to the aspect ratio, the size could be even 1080x1080 like the ones I get from the store section from xbox app on windows 10..


    or could aso be 256x256 that we find a lot on deviant art..


    anyway the size didn't matter much been 256x256 the minimum required it will be fine!

    A view mode with 4x4 images as the box art, will be better for old games that its harder to find image with proportions like 4x6 that is used for posters on movies.db, tv series.db, and xbox store on xbox one its used for its games too, so for the old games we should be able to select a view with 4x4 images, and for more modern games we could use a view with 4x6 images..






    Also we should have some kind of default for images or a requirement for each section, like the themoviesdb have for its posters that its 4x6, the quantum break poster up there I manage to get from the cache of the xbox app on windows 10, it also have a 4x6 proportion, so I think it is default for posters, so we could have a section for poster with 4x6 proportion on the DB and a poster view on LaunchBox that will be awesome!

  5. Brad Cheyne

    I get what you mean now, I didn't realize you meant aspect ratio. It's generally done like 16:9, 4:3, 4:4. I just got confused, sorry.

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