Beaten, Currently Playing, On Hold Check boxes

Issue #874 new
Jeroen de Waal created an issue


I really love your program and i'm a premium user. I've got a feature request.

When you edit a game you can check that it is broken, portable, hidden, etc. Also the option completed is there.

I would like to see the option that you can mark a game as "beaten".

It would be awesome when you can filter your games on beaten, completed, playing and not played.

Hopefully you know what i mean. (sorry for my english)

Kind regards,

Jeroen de Waal (The Netherlands)

Comments (11)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    I updated the name because "feature request" is too generic. I also added the two other most commonly requested additions along with Beaten. All 3 of those are commonly requested but I don't think anyone's made a BitBucket ticket for it until now.

  2. Brad Cheyne

    Don't forget to vote for your ticket on the right, or any other ticket for that matter. It doesn't matter if you create it, the best thing is to vote on stuff.

  3. Rod Wilkins

    Might I also add, the ‘Broken’ checkbox is not all-encompassing so I second this vote, but would also like to see ‘Unplayable’ as an option, the game might not be ‘broken’ or ‘corrupted' but not actually playable yet (maybe is starts and loads but can’t be completed for example). I know this might seem redundant to include in the collection, but if you have a large collection and want to include some games that are partially working to tweak/test later as emulators are improved, going back to just those marked ‘Unplayable’ saves a lot of time to configure custom options for certain titles that might need it in a short-hand list. Simply marking them ‘Broken’ it is hard to determine if it’s something I marked because it’s an actually corrupted or broken file that needs replacing or because it’s unplayable and no emulators can properly emulate it.

  4. Jeroen de Waal reporter

    @RetroFrogg the difference between beaten and completed is…

    Beaten, is when you've finished the game once.

    Completed, is when for instance you've beaten the game on every difficulty, or when you've unlocked all the achievements/trophy's.

  5. Jeroen de Waal reporter

    It doesn't need to be exactly that way.

    Just a filter with the option completed. What completed means for someone is there own interpretation.

    For me personal is that completed is when you obtained all achievements/trophys.

  6. NarNar1857

    +1! It would be nice to have a better “Completion status” variable. I would like it if we could change a game’s status without going into the edit menu.

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