Refreshing Meta data in Launchbox

Issue #8771 resolved
Greg Adkins created an issue

Source array was not long enough. Check the source index, length, and the array's lower bounds. (Parameter 'sourceArray')

App: LaunchBox
Version: 13.13-beta-2
Theme: Default
Type: System.ArgumentException
Site: Void Copy(System.Array, Int32, System.Array, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Source: System.Private.CoreLib

at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length)
at System.Collections.Generic.List1.CopyTo(T[] array, Int32 arrayIndex) at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Processes.BulkImageDownloader.ProcessQueue(Func1 getIsCancelled, String activeImageGroup, Action2 onIndeterminateUpdate, Action4 onUpdateAction, Action`2 onGameImageDownloaded)
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ImageDownloaderHelp.<>c.StopInvalidError()
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.CheckSupportedException()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

Recent Log:

6:38:14 PM Exception

Comments (3)

  1. brian

    Can you run Tools > Download > Force Update Games Database Metadata

    Then see if that helps your situation out.

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