Importing Playstation 1 games

Issue #8773 invalid
Richard Cloward created an issue

Hi there

I’m having a problem with my launch box

I can’t seem to import them, I’ve tried draging them on screen or importing entire game folders, I was able to play and import them last month but I was recently testing out games on different emulators and ran into this problem, the games I’ve already imported have stop playing as well. I tried importing different files such as gbc or windows games and the process seems to be ok. is there maybe a setting I might’ve changed or a new update that has changed launchbox?

Comments (1)

  1. brian

    Please make a post over on our LaunchBox Community Forums for any user related issues. You'll find a lot more people over there that has the capacity to delve into your issue and figure out where in your configuration the problem lies.

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