Search box not matching when search query includes a colon

Issue #8778 resolved
Josh Warren created an issue

Many game titles are of the format “Title: Subtitle”, i.e. “Halo: Spartan Assault”. The searchbox used to work fine, continuing to match if you kept typing after the colon. Now if you type any letter after the colon it no longer shows matching titles.

I’ve included screenshots to try to show what I’m seeing happen. All the appropriate titles match as I type in the query “Halo: “ but as soon as I put in the “S” it says there are no matches when it should match “Halo: Spartan Assault” (and “Halo: Spartan Strike”)

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808

    It is because the "Advance Search Syntax" is on in your LB settings. the ":" acts as a filter switch to search outside of titles. In order to be that specific in the Title search you would have to turn that option off.

    In LB >Tools >Options >Data >Search and uncheck the option for Advance Search Syntax.

  2. Josh Warren reporter

    Thanks, don’t remember turning that option on, but can confirm turning it off restored the behavior I was used to.

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