Add RetroArch style hotkey to BigBox controller support

Issue #901 new
DOS76 created an issue

Hey if you ever have used the enable hot key feature in RetroArch you know how awesome that it is. It would be great to see this added to LaunchBox and BigBox. Using the hotkey enable allows you to be able to map so much more controls and to use the navigational controls to do so as thing stand now you can't map any controls to the dpad right analog or either of the triggers meaning there could be so many more control options that could be implemented.

Comments (6)

  1. Chaos

    Yep, that would be like a 100% improvement for people using 360 or PS2, etc controllers to be able to exit the emulators. I would love to just see an option to map an L3 or R3 button to the ESC key usually used on the keyboard to exit emulators and return back to BigBox.

  2. William Jones

    Yeah Chaos. I have a home theatre Big Box setup. I don't want to keep using an external keyboard to exit the emulator.

  3. Brad Cheyne

    AutoHotKey already exists in Controller Automation so that you don't need a keyboard. In terms of Esc AHK is more powerful. I assume you're the same person Chaos, so read my reply on the thread.

    What Derek is asking is just to be able to add more controller combinations and not change how it actually works. Though I know how RA works, and aren't we already doing that with the modifier key Derek? Maybe it's because im tired but what are you meaning?

  4. DOS76 reporter

    Yeah I already exit from all my emulators by controller using RA and the AHK in LB to close nonRA emulators and it works great for me I would just like to see more controller options added by allowing some of the buttons that can't be mapped be added for a more feature rich experience.

  5. Brad Cheyne

    Ok, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't reading this wrong. So yea, same functionality (though more couldn't hurt) but expanding the ways you can do it.

  6. Fred Decker

    I agree, RA type hotkey assignment is really a biggie. At least give us the triggers and center XBox button on that controller. But there are a lot of menu options like switching themes and views and more that would be nice to be able to assign to buttons or "select + [button]"

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