Disable new Plugin Manager/Plugin Manager Notifications

Issue #9132 open
Right Said Brett created an issue

It’s very irksome to have a notification to update my plug-ins, every time that I startup Launchbox, despite not wanting to update them. Please can you add an option to disable this feature.

Comments (12)

  1. brian

    Thanks for the suggestion. Just to add clarification to this request. Moving forward, plugins will play a larger role in fixing broken functionality throughout the app. Not updating a specific plugin could end up breaking functionality in things as crucial as the ROM Import wizard, the Storefront wizard, and more.

    For example, updating the RetroArch plugin isn’t to update RetroArch, but to update the logic that’s tied to how LaunchBox functions with RetroArch and its integrations.

    You are essentially asking to disable being notified when critical updates to core features of LaunchBox is available.

    Here’s a FAQ about the plugin manager: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/83544-launchbox-plugin-manager-faq-everything-you-need-to-know/

    Just some food for thought.

  2. Right Said Brett reporter

    My apologies. I had misunderstood what exactly the update was altering. Although, I did notice that updating the Retroarch plugin seemed to remove my system specific filters. Thankfully, I had the presets saved, so it wasn’t too much hassle to re-implement them.

  3. gu le

    At least let us disable plugins we don’t want to use. The thing is these plugins that have become mandatory, I don’t want them, can’t uninstall them, don’t plan to use them and always get an update notification. I don’t want dolphin, let me disable dolphin plugin.

  4. Right Said Brett reporter

    As much as admire and love my subscription to Launchbox, I do tend to agree. It’s going a little bit Microsoft Windows; just endless updates which one does not care to receive. I really do not want to come across as ungrateful. It’s just that in an ideal world, such notifications wouldn’t keep jabbing me in the shoulder. Forever poking!

  5. Right Said Brett reporter

    The thing is that I’ve become extremely used to setting up all of my emulators and plug-ins manually. It’s kinda annoying to have these notifications demand that I do better. Don’t get me wrong; I love what you guys do. A little option to toggle none essential update notifications would be appreciated. Either way, keep up the great work :)

  6. brian

    So, just to be a little more clear by using an example:

    The latest RetroArch plugin update fixed an issue with the ROM Import Wizard unintentionally downloading all available cores at the end of the wizard, when it shouldn’t have. Therefore, if you were to ignore that specific update, the ROM Import wizard would always then be broken, and a user may be waiting for a fix to a problem that’s already fixed.

    What emulator plugin updates will NOT do:

    • Download an emulator, or set up an emulator in any way
    • Update your emulator, or make any changes to your emulator
    • Reinstall your emulator, or force you to use an emulator
    • Mess with your emulator’s settings, or any of the LaunchBox emulator configurations

    There will also be other types of plugins within the plugin manager that will eventually pop up (more than just emulator plugins). While some will control core features of LaunchBox, others will be completely optional.

    We will definitely keep tinkering with this stuff to find out that right balance for you guys.

  7. gu le

    I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t and will never use Retroarch with the import wizard. Let me disable the Retroarch plugin, I don’t care if it’s broken ;)

    Or give a way to roll back to or install version 13.14 and I’ll freeze my install. I don’t think old versions are available on the site?

    Thank you

  8. Sixdd

    I’m adding my vote to be able to disable plugins or preferably just not have to have them installed at all. I run several different instances of LB for different platforms and such and having plugins that are useless for a specific usecase constantly popping up errors about updates I don’t want is extremely triggering for my ocd. For now I’ll roll back to 13.14 but, as a paying customer, I don’t think I should have to be locked out of any updates I do want. Basically I want to see the plugins be optional from the start, nothing forced on me since launchbox isn’t just for emulation anymore and if I want to use it for all the storefronts that it supports I shouldn’t be forced to download plugins that are useless for that usecase.

  9. Cory Benthall

    I like the new plugin system, and it sounds good for future features. That being said, instead of disabling prompts for updates that could be critical… I would rather see an option in the plugins section to allow for automatic updates in the background as they become available. It could be on a per plugin basis, or all of them.

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